Re-Implementation of Guenter Steinke's Arcade for Violoncello and Live-Electronics (1991) in Csound.


Main source file with Csound code. PDF view can be downloaded here.


Background of the implementation and how to play it.

Additional Files

filter_A_47.csv and filter_B_47.csv contain the filter sequences. They are loaded by the main program, so must be located in the same directory.
Arcade_Cues_Csound.pdf is an overview of what happens in the 98 cues, and at which time.
Steinke_Arcade_Cello_only.wav makes it possible to run the program as dummy without live input.
Arcade_Filter_A_Steinke.pdf, Arcade_Filter_B_Steinke.pdf, Arcade_Matrix_Steinke.pdf and Arcade_Matrix_Max.pdf provide some background material.

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